Why do we know so little of God?
1. We know so little of him because he is God.
"He often describes himself by telling us what we can't know if him. We can't see him, we can't comprehend him, because he isn't like a man. In fact, there's no one like him. And what we do know of him, we can't comprehend. We can only believe and admire. We say and believe that he is infinite and eternal, that he is everywhere and never changes."
2. We know so little of God because we only know him by faith.
Faith is all the evidence we have of this invisible God. It is the only way we can come to him. Our whole relationship with him in this life is summed up as walking by faith. We simply trust what he says about himself, and thats how we know him. We know him little, but we know him truly, enough to love him more than we do, delight in him and serve him more than we do, obey and trust him more than we do.
Here are some questions out of the book that have helped me look at different areas in my life, that I have definitely grown in, things that I haven't really changed in, and then just things that I have been really slacking in and need to pray about.
- Is your zeal for God as warm. living, vigorous, effective, and eager as it was when you first gave yourself to God?
- Do rivers of tears still flow from your eyes when God is dishonored?
- Do you contend as violently as you once did for the faith?
- Do you concern yourself as much as you once did with the glory of God in the world?
- Does your life judge the world by its holiness and separateness as it used to?
- Is your faith growing stronger?
- Do you delight in public worship as you did when you first came to Christ?
- Do you find the same relish and sweetness you once found in worship?
- Is the preaching of the Word as precious to you as it was?
- Do you listen to the Word eagerly and respond in faith and repentance?
- Do you anticipate the Sabbath as a time of joyous fellowship, as a foretaste of heaven?
- Do you hunger for holy conversation with others?
- Are you as careful about obedience as you were in the past?
- Is your conscience as tender toward sin as it was?
- Are you as faithful in private prayer and meditation?
- Do you love your brothers and sisters more than before?
- Are you as ready for crosses and burdens and persecution?
- Are you as humble?
- Are you as willing to deny yourself for the sake of the Kingdom?
Revelation 2:4-5
You have forsaken your first love. Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place.
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