This Chapter starts of by stating that the only moral, authoritative rule over believers is the kingdom and reign of God.
There are many 'distractions' and 'temptations' as Christians that we deal with daily.
I know this is something I deal with daily. Being on a college campus full of non-believers, and many distractions, is very hard sometimes not to be distracted with sin. This is why I pray throughout the day that God would remove these 'distractions' from my daily life. I find it very important also that even if something is no longer distracting to you in your life, and you feel that you are doing well in that area resisting against sin, to continue to pray that God would keep that distraction gone and to continue to give you strength to resist it.
Sin Gets Under Our Skin
1. Indwelling sin wears out its welcome.
One thing we must remember and something I was reminded of through some one else's blog, is that, sin, never takes a day off in our lives. If sin only came to visit now and then, we could get a lot of godliness done while it was away. If it were like an army that struck, then pulled back for a time, we could refresh ourselves and fortify our defenses during the calm. But the flesh is a relentless homebody and assailant. As Lundgaard says, "Where ever you go, whatever you do, the law of sin is with you step for step, in the best you do, and in the worst you do."
2. Indwelling sin doesn't observe a sabbath.
Lundgaard describes sin as a not just a permanent houseguest; but as a meddlesome wretch that is always poking its nose in, looking over your shoulder, and whispering in your ear. This hateful, wicked pest is in your face with a thousand distractions and surprises, making sure you can't perfectly accomplish the good you intend.
3. Sin does its dirty work with the greatest of ease.
Landgaard states that since it works from within, it "easily entagles" us. It needs no help from the outside (Though I find the world and the Devil are always ready to lend a hand). There is no spiritual duty, nothing godly you can set yourself to, in which you won't feel the wind of sin's resistance in your face.
The more you discover the power of indwelling sin, the less you will suffer its effects.
The more you discover the power of indwelling sin, the less you will suffer its effects.
The more you discover the power of indwelling sin, the less you will suffer its effects.
The better you know your indwelling sin, the more you will hate it; and to the length that you abhor it, and no farther, you will grasp for grace against it. No one who is born of God can live at peace with sin.
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