"Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it."
- Mark 10:15
As I was reading in Mark I came across this verse which kind of tied into a book I am currently reading titled The Pleasures of God. In the book, one of the main points Piper keeps mentioning is how it is God's pleasure to give us the kingdom. He makes the point that Jesus does not say, sell you the kingdom, or trade you the kingdom, but how it is the Father's pleasure to give you the kingdom.
As a child, most of us our always like gimme gimme gimme. I am so thankful that God is like a mountain spring and not like a watering trough. I am grateful that he delights to overflow, and to give and give and give, and that is why the gospel is the good news that God does not need a measuring cup, but people who will drink. The qualification for receiving his kingdom is not strength but thirst. How great is it that its our Father's pleasure to give us the kingdom, and to give it freely.
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