Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
In this world if you are going to lean on something, the first thing you want to do is to make certain it can hold you up. The greater the risk the more certain you want to be.
As I look back at the poor decisions and choices I have made in my life, one thing they have all had in common was that I made those decisions based on my own understanding and wisdom... or wisdom I thought I had.
Believing in God is all about risk and trust. It tells you to turn away from what you're accustomed to relying on, your own strategies for making life work, and instead to trust God implicitly, even when what he's asking you to do may not make sense from a human perspective.
As I think about this, I am reminded what God asked of Moses at the Red Sea or of Daniel in the lions' den. Moses and Daniel were able to rely on God instead of on their own understanding because past experience had shown them he was wholly trustworthy. Every past experience was once a present choice. God challenges us to choose wisely today.
We can lean on our own limited understanding and abilities or on a God of unlimited power and love. Only one choice can take us where we really want to go.
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