"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you." Isaiah 43:2
When we're going through a time of loss, one of the things many of us will loose is our spiritual bearings. We may cry out why me, or what now God? We also may turn away from God completely.
'Adversity' and 'Tough' times help us grow in our relationship with God. People tell me that all the time, and the truth is that in challenging times we Can grow in our faith and in our relationship with God, because we do. I've experienced this myself. I also believe that how we handle adversity or loss, really reveals what type of relationship we actually have with God.
God protected Israel during their difficult times and God promises the same for us. During our times of loss, our times of difficulty, our times of waiting, God is with us. He never abandons us. So depending on God, and not on ourselves, allows us to keep moving while at the same time keeping us from dwelling on our problems, our challenges, our failures, and our hearts desires that we long for. We will experience God's mercy and peace when we humble ourselves before God and place our whole trust in him, and him alone.
Lord forgive me for the lack of trust I have hidden away in my heart over the years. Thank you, for even in just the past few weeks, how you have brought me to peace about so many things which I have failed to trust in you for in the past, and I pray that you continue to work in me. Thank you for the relationship that I have with you and help me continue to grow in your ways and to better glorify you, in all that I do. Amen